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Worker Mobility

Your workers need mobility…Tristora delivers the right planning and support that keep your people connected and productive.

Mobile Workforce Planning

Having a mobile workforce presents its own set of challenges which need to be managed appropriately and diligently. We find out how your people work within the context of your business and then recommend the right mobile devices to enable their productivity. We then procure and configure each device and provide as-needed support to keep secure and running.


Mobile Workforce Planning gives you:

  • An understanding of how your people can use mobile devices effectively.

  • Recommendations on what devices to integrated into your business.

  • Procurement and configuration services. As-needed support to keep your workforce mobile.

Mobile Data Protection

The minute you hand over a laptop or PDA to your mobile employees, security becomes an issue. Our mobile data protection service adds a layer of security  to your mobile devices as well as the ability to back up data no matter where the device is located. And if the device is lost or stolen, we can activate an emergency lock-down protocol and disable and erase any data on the device.


Mobile Data Protection gives you: 

  • Security and lockdown and a way to disable a device in case of theft or loss.

Live Backup Service

A productive mobile workforce using their mobile devices means they’re constantly accessing and increasing the data on their laptops or PDA. From writing proposals to changes in their calendars the data is constantly changing and a lost, stolen or broken laptop could mean a day or more worth of work is lost forever. Our Live Backup Service allows us to sync and back-up your mobile workers’ data with multiple snap shots through out the day, rather than waiting until the end of the day.


Live Backup Service gives you:

  • Real time backup regardless of location.

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